Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hukuman Berat Membendung Gejala Pembuangan Bayi

"Anak-anak adalah amanah atas ibu bapa, jika dia terbiasa dengan benda yang baik, dia akan membesar dalam kebaikan dan biasa dengannya. Dan jika dibesarkan dalam suasana yang tidak baik, maka menderitalah dia dan binasa"
- Imam Gazali

Remaja adalah golongan yang
menjadi penentu jatuh bangunnya sesebuah masyarakat pada masa depan. Akan tetapi, kebelakangan ini, kita sering mendengar gejala sosial yang semakin berleluasa. Walaupun ini bukanlah satu isu yang baru, namun ia merupakan antara berita yang hangat paling dilaporkan. Apa yang membimbangkan ialah bilangan kes pembuangan bayi di kalangan wanita remaja semakin meningkat, malah ia sangat meruncing sejak akhir-akhir ini.

Kes pembuangan bayi kini makin menjadi-jadi hinggakan ada segelintir pihak yang sanggup melakukan apa sahaja asalkan dapat menutup segala palit hitam yang telah mereka lakukan hingga membunuh. Persoalannya, sampai bilakah kita akan mendengar berita bayi dibuang di tandas, di tepi longkang, di tempat pembuangan sampah, dan lain-lain tempat tanpa ada perasaan perikemanusiaan ini terus berlaku?

Perbuatan membuang bayi yang baru lahir dalam apa keadaan sekalipun dan ia mengakibatkan kematian bayi tersebut sebenarnya adalah pembunuhan. Sesiapa sahaja yang membuang bayi itu atau terlibat dengan perbuatan tersebut adalah melakukan pembunuhan dan salah dari segi agama dan tindakan undang-undang akan diambil. Tindakan terdesak sesetengah pasangan yang mahu menutup malu akibat perbuatan bodoh mereka adalah salah dari segi agama mahupun undang-undang yang telah digariskan oleh Perlembagaan Negara.

Kerajaan perlu mengkaji semula Seksyen 317 dan 318 Kanun Keseksaan agar denda yang lebih berat dikenakan kepada pesalah. Kini, kita seharusnya melihat kes buang bayi perlu diangkat sebagai salah satu isu besar yang membawa kepada hukuman setimpal kepada pesalahnya. Ia layak disamakan dengan kes bunuh yang lain. Maka, pesalah yang terbukti terlibat perlu dibawa ke tali gantung. Sepertimana saranan mantan Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Musa Hassan agar bapa kepada bayi malang itu juga wajib diseret ke muka pengadilan dan menerima hukuman yang sama.

Hukuman maksimum 20 tahun penjara tidak memberi kesan kepada ‘pembunuh bayi’ ini. Ini kerana, bayi yang dilahirkan sempurna sifatnya layak diiktiraf sebagai manusia normal yang mendapat perlindungan undang-undang seperti manusia lain. Kerjasama daripada pihak berkuatkuasa tempatan juga memainkan peranan penting dengan menubuhkan pasukan khas jika berlakunya kejadian pembuangan bayi bagi mengesan segera individu yang terbabit. Sebagaimana yang telah disebut dalam Al-Quran surah An-Nisa' ayat 93, maksudnya:

"Dan sesiapa yang membunuh mukmin dengan sengaja maka balasannya neraka jahanam, kekal dia didalamnya dan Allah murka kepadanya dan melaknat akannya serta menyediakan baginya azab seksa yang besar"

Masyarakat harus sedar bahawa masalah sosial adalah masalah kita bersama dan memerlukan penyelesaian yang bersepadu dan terancang. Ia memerlukan strategi menanganinya melalui pelbagai pendekatan secara proaktif termasuk pendekatan keagamaan yang merupakan tunjang kerohanian bagi setiap individu. Elemen kerohanian seperti penerapan asas pendidikan agama yang kukuh juga perlu dititik berat dalam usaha untuk membendung masalah ini. Pendidikan agama yang sempurna hendaklah diberikan kepada anak seawal mungkin untuk membantu menunjukkan mereka ke arah kebaikan. Keimanan yang tebal mampu membuatkan para remaja menjauhi perbuatan yang melanggar hukum agama kerana mereka sudah boleh membezakan samada baik atau buruk sesuatu perkara.

Akhir kata, Setiap bayi yang dilahirkan mempunyai hak untuk terus hidup. Walaupun telah melakukan kesalahan pertama kerana melakukan seks sebelum berkahwin, tindakan menyelamatkan anak luar nikah yang dilahirkan adalah satu tanggungjawab sosial yang perlu dilakukan. Kesimpulannya, semua pihak harus bekerjasama dalam usaha kita membanteras masalah ini dengan harapan untuk melahirkan masyarakat yang prihatin dan penyayang.

Allah S.W.T telah berfirman, "Kalian umat terbaik yang dilahirkan untuk manusia, kalian menyuruh kepada yang ma'ruf, dan mencegah dari yang mungkar dan beriman kepada Allah."
(Ali Imran: 110)

pictures credit to google images

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Enjoyment of Experience

5 April 2010

Photo & Written by
Melati Ibrahim

The second Putrajaya hot air balloons fiesta was held on 18 to 21 March 2010 at the Monumen Alaf baru in Precinct 2. The objectives of this festival is to create a multi racial or cultural event that promotes unity, with the theme of “one world, one Malaysia and one fiesta, to brand Putrajaya as a hot air balloon fiesta destination, to encourage the people to think Putrajaya, think hot air balloons, to attract more participants, fans or spectators and media to prove yet again that the fiesta is a “must go” event in Putrajaya.

The Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2010 was featured attention designs like the Darth Vader and Orange design from Belgium, which are among the 23 hot air balloons from 12 countries that was adorn the sky over Putrajaya.

The Balloon Fun Fly is where all the hot air balloons, including the interesting shaped balloons such as the Bunch of Balloons and The Heart Shapes Balloon, took flight one by one and filled the skies of Putrajaya with magnificent colours.

Bunch of Balloons

Heart Shapes Balloon

This event was a major success in attracting spectators accumulating to more than a 150,000 turn out throughout the 4 days fiesta. International Hot Air Balloon pilots from Japan, Switzerland, USA, Belgium, New Zealand, France and the Netherlands participated in the inaugural event are intrigued by the beauty of Malaysia and vowed to return to explore Malaysia more.

The main organizer is The Putrajaya Corporation (Ppj) was provided five hot air balloons to conduct a tethered ride that was float above ground for 20m for the public. It costs RM10 for adults and RM5 for children.

Besides that, from the balloon ride, there are other activities such as a remote controlled aircraft display, paramotor showcase, helicopter rides, water ball and sphere rides, colouring competition, photography competition, and auto show.

The interesting part of this event was a night-glow display when the balloons glowed like light bulbs, giving a spectacular display of illuminated lights in the sky followed by a fireworks display and the marching band.

Marching Band

It was also a field day for photography enthusiasts who took the opportunity to snap the sights in the air and the ongoing side programmed. Experience and photographs taken during the fiesta are proudly posted in their respective websites and blogs that would indirectly promote Malaysia. The fiesta also caught the attention of the local as well as the international media and photographers. Photograph taken during the fiesta spread through the internet that indirectly promotes Malaysia globally. The uniqueness and rarity of hot air balloons flying in our country has attracted the crowd regardless of their race, age, profession or gender.

In line with our Prime Minister’s One Malaysia campaign, the fiesta would be the perfect avenue in promoting national unity, As proven in the inaugural fiesta, it could be seen that the fiesta attracts everyone regardless of their nationality, race, age and occupations. One World, Balloonist form around the world was participated in this fiesta. It is attract an international tourist to Putrajaya. One Fiesta, hot air balloons being the highlight of the event, there are also have many activities and entertainment that is conductive for all ages.On the fiesta, Rosmah said it succeeded in bringing together Malaysians from various levels of society in line with the concept of 1Malaysia as espoused by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and it also showcased the cultures of various participating countries.

Besides that, she said, the event also dispelled the perception that it was a dangerous activity and not suitable as family recreation.

"I hope this event can be held in coming years and the organizers need to plan on added value to make the event a much awaited one and draw more participants from countries which had long excelled in hot-air ballons.

"I also hope that the Tourism Ministry and the Tourism Development Board will provide support to promote the event and make it a permanent feature on the annual tourism calendar," Rosmah said.

This event was achieved the vision to create a multi racial or cultural event that promotes unity, to brand Putrajaya as a hot air balloon fiesta destination, to attract more participants and media, to create more family friendly event and to turn it into a prestigious yearly event.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Release Stress with The Beauty of Nature

13 March 2010

Written by
Melati Ibrahim

Each individual will not escape from the stress either in School, College, University, home, workplace and so forth. Including me, as a student, I often hit by a lot of pressure or stress especially when the assignments must be completed by the stipulated time. Stress sometimes makes me feel headache, joint pain, loss of spririt, loss of interest, loss of appetite and worse without realizing it, an emotionally began distrubed. My feelings became increasingly sensitive, angry, lost and temper especially when driving and cannot focus on what I do especially in my study. Although I am a positive person, but sometimes I had also do not escape from the stress.

Image credit to: www.flickr.com.my

Last weekend, when I was in the stressful situation because there's many assignments that I had to prepare. I had decided to stepped foot into Taman Botani, Putrajaya to take some pictures themed "Healthy Malaysia" to fulfill the subject of Photo Communication's assignment. Exactly hours at 9.00am I was entered the park. I just fall in love with the environment, which is so peaceful, quite, calm and comfortable, looks dew still damp grass and green foliage that covers an area of 230 acres of this park. I have seen a few men and women are jogging and cycling. There are also parents observe children who are having fun playing and running over a bridge made from wood and with greenery environment surrounded by nature. I felt pleasured when I saw them enjoying the morning with healthy activities while breathe fresh air. I was really enjoy the beauty of nature until it is made me forgot the moment of my goals I was there. After taking several pictures of my photo's assignment, I was so excited to continue my journey in the park which is the first time I had visit.

Explorer' Trail Zone
Image credit to: www.flickr.com.my

I continue to walk on the bridge steps known as the "Canopy Bridge" in the Explorer's Trail zone while enjoying the beauty of gardens filled with throw of 700 species life plan from over 90 countries in tropical South America, Africa and the Asia Pacific region. A panoramatic view of greenery in the park makes me feel very calm and all the congestion in my head was gone just like that. I have seen the unique species of plans in this park. My curiosity is begun to learn into the existed in more species of plans that I never seen before. There are various types of plants that are scarce in other parks. I am so tired after running in the zone of Plam Hill, Floral Gardens and Lakeside. In each zone I was able to enjoy various plants species is available in some parts of Heliconia Trail, Vine Garden, Sun Garden, Lake Boardwalks, African Collection, Tropical American Collection, Bougainvillea Tunnel, Orchid Path, Floral Steps, Asia Pacific Collections, Hibuscus Walk, Wlak Pandanus, Canna and also the Fern Garden Walk.

Other than various species of life plants from over 90 centuries, the best things in this park is when I found there are many of facilities for visitors. For instance, the Visitor Interpretation Center (VIC), here I can learn more about science and life plants. In addition, there are facilities of guided tour, for my next visit I am sure that I can get more knowledge about this park by going on tour with the tour guide. Furthermore, to learning about plants and enjoy the greenery of nature I also have the opportunity to learn more about arts in Spanish Morocco and Moroccan Pavilion, I have seen a Myriad of patterns and designs from the four famous, royal cities of Fez, Meknes, Marrakech and Rabat. It is awesome but But it would be great enough if I can learn more about the art of other countries. Suddenly, I was attracted by the Tram Ride facility, which is I can take a ride through the park on the Tram and I have covered 2.2km in only for 30 minutes. Other than a that, there are also provided the bicycle rental and paddle boat rental facilites.

Morrocan Pavilion

Image credit to: http://www.flickr.com.my

Tram Trail

Image credit to: www.flickr.com.my

I did not realize that the time was passed so quickly. At 3.30pm, suddenly I felt so starving. The enjoyments of the beauty and nature exploration made me almost forget my lunch. But the stress was gone away and it will never come back again. From this moment, I realize that I have found a way to release my stress away. Before I am leaving , I was take the opportunity to taste the fresh seafood menu with having lunch at Putrajaya Seafood Restaurant. Before I am going home, I was stop for a while to shop in the Souvenir Shop. For more information about Taman Botani, Putrajaya, you can visit www.putrajaya.net.my

Image credit to: www.flickr.com.my

Map to Taman Botani, Putrajaya
Image credit to : www.flickr.com.my
Opening Hours
The garden are open daily from 9.00am - 7.00pm
Admission to the gardens is free
Entry free to the Interactive Exhibition is RM2.00
For enquiries, please contact
Taman Botani Putrajaya
Presint 1, 62000 Putrajaya
Tel: (6) 03-88889090

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Hi everyone!! Welcome to my blog. Please continue reading and become one of my followers because for me sharing is caring and reading is the power of knowledge. The more you follow my blog is the more you can share your thought and ideas with me and with all my readers. So what are you waiting for? quickly clicks the "follow" button. Thanks a lot for those who has become one of my followers.

I dedicate this Malay poem special to you :

“Buah cempedak di luar pagar,
Ambil galah tolong jolokkan,
Saya budak baru belajar,
Kalau salah tolong tunjukkan.”

There are many things that I want to share with you in my first entry. Lets talk about myself first. I am an ordinary girl such as other girls that you knew. But in some cases I might little bit different from them. So what I want to share with you perhaps will give you the rough ideas or the clearer pictures about my personality, the way I think and who is the real of MELATI IBRAHIM. I am 26 years old and I was born in Hospital Teluk Intan, Perak. I was raised in a small village located in Hutan Melintang, Perak by my beloved parents. My father name is Ibrahim bin Kordi and my mother name is Siti Zainah binti Dallan. My father is a policeman and my mother is a sucessful housewife. But my father was pass away in 1995 in my age reaches 12 years old. I was the youngest child of the ten siblings. I have six brothers and three sisters. According to my parents, family and friends, my real characters is cheerful, friendly and easy going. Whether it is correct or not you identify yourself because each person has their own opinion.

In the year 2004 I have completed my study at UiTM Shah Alam majors in Diploma Screen Writing. Once I graduated I was working for five years with various of companies including working with Crystal Crown Hotel, Port Klang and Tanjung Bungah Beach Hotel, Penang as a Sales and Marketing Coordinator.

Tanjung Bungah Beach Hotel, Penang
The most memorable place I was worked

Beside that I also have an experience worked with Ministry of Youth and Sports, Putrajaya as an assistant administrative officer. This is my last work place before making a decision to continue my study. Today, I am UiTM student in semester one majoring of Bachelor in Mass Communication (Hons) Publishing.

Ministry of youth and sports, Putrajaya
The place where I've got a lot of valuable experience

Began with sharing a taxi and having a very simple conversation, I had fall in love with this humble man. After almost six years in a relationship, I was married to my desire man named Ahmad Anuar bin Ramli on 16 November 2008. Our simple reception ceremony held twice at my hometown in Hutan Melintang, Perak and at my parents in law house in Pendang, Kedah. After a year married, we still do not have a children. But until this day we were pray that we may expect a children to complete our happy marriage.

Think positively has made me really enjoyed life

Although being very busy with my weekdays life in campus, I has taken the best opportunity to become an entrepreneur. I was operating an online business. I was selling shawls in varieties of fabrics and colors. Meanwhile, the price is very affordable and sure you can afford it. So do not wait anymore to visit http://yunnashawl.blogspot.com/ to find out more.

At the end of my busy week, I will spend time surfing the internet. I love to read other people blogs, news and serve up to the facebook and sometimes sit for hours in front of the computer to browsing to any website that can serve an online business because it is inspired me to learn more about this kind of business and at the same time I love to shop online in the reason of give me a peace of mind. Besides that I was really enjoy to read magazines such as Cleo, Female, Glam, Women's Weekly and Rapi because there are a lot of information such as fashions, motivations, beauties and health care which is good to me.

The magazine and the very talented singer that I really admire

When talking about music, I really love Taylor Swift because she is one of my crushes! I adore her songs and I admire her in every aspects. In Addition, I was really crazy about indie music and I do support our local band such as Bunkface, Meet Uncle Husin, Hujan and solo artist such as Yuna. I do have several collections of songs and pictures of Yuna. I was really like the songs because the lyric and melody is very simple and creative. It makes me fun and enjoy listen to her song.

I just fell in love with her voice and style

Have you ever wondered if you are hungry and your favorite food suddenly appeared in front of you? Now this is the things was playing in my mind. If your favourite food is something that hot and spicy its mean absolutely same with me. My favourite food is Tomyam and Nasi Lemak. This foods are really special to me until when I talk about it I started feeling hungry.

The most delicious food

Now Lets talk about this blog in details. This blog was created to fulfill the Thinking and Writing Strategies subject (LIB 401) which is an assignment given by my prettiest lecturer I ever had. Her adorable name is Ms. Mimi. Why do I choose the title of my name “MELATI IBRAHIM” because it is represent myself that I want you to know me, love me or dislike me as who I am. Why I wrote “Sharing thought and ideas from an ordinary girl perspective” because i believe as a human I am sure that I could not be separated from making a mistake. Besides that I love to share what is on my mind with others and as I mention to you earlier that I was an ordinary girl but my thought and ideas that I want to share might emphasize the different of me. So do not miss to following my writing in MELATI IBRAHIM because I bet you will excite to read each idea written by me.

Last but not least I welcome any comments and suggestions from you because sharing teaches us to make better understand to other people. So please leave your comments here or you can email me at melatiibrahim@yahoo.com Thank you for willing to read and become my follower. May you always find happiness and blessings of God.

Image credit : http://shaliastreats.blogspot.com/
I am smile at you such a beautiful queen. ;) BYE!